Paratransit Service

Under the ADA, transit agencies like YC Transit are required to provide demand-responsive Paratransit service that “mirrors” their fixed-route service (in terms of service times and areas). This service is a “safety net” meaning it is only for those persons who do not have the functional capability to ride fixed-route YC Transit buses. The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has specific guidelines for determining who is eligible for Paratransit.

All Paratransit riders can travel during the regular service hours, Monday through Friday, of the local fixed route bus system. Under ADA, Paratransit is only required to provide service if both the starting point and destination of the trip are located within 3/4 miles of regular YC Transit fixed route, not commuter routes.  YC Transit’s paratransit service is ONLY available in the City of McMinnville and the City of Newberg. Paratransit service does NOT travel between cities. 

YC Transit paratransit service is a demand response service for which appointments must be made at least one day in advance. The fare will be $2.50 one-way.

If you believe you or someone you know may be Paratransit eligible you can request an application by calling (503) 474-4900 or in writing to YC Transit, Transit Manager, 535 NE 5th Street, McMinnville, OR 97128. You can also click here to view a printable PDF of the Paratransit Application.

After YC Transit receives your completed application you will receive written notification about your eligibility. An in-person interview may be required.

If you believe you qualify for Paratransit, you will be allowed service for 30 days while eligibility is determined. Once accepted, recertification will be required at least every three years.

Paratransit Requirements
Paratransit Application for Eligibility
Paratransit Online Application

Paratransit Appeal Process
ADA Complaint Form
ADA Complaint Form-Spanish
ADA Complaint Form – Online

Additional Information

Dial-a-Ride and ADA Paratransit Ride

Program Information Brochure – English

Program Information Brochure – Spanish



To subscribe, text ALERTS ON to 971-287-7265. Then, to stop text ALERTS OFF.


Route 5 & 7 - Newberg and Saturday Routes 22 and 44 are suspended until further notice
To schedule weekend Dial-a-Ride service, please call (503) 474-4900 (McMinnville) or (503) 538-7433 (Newberg).

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