Yamhill County Transit is a County Service District formed under ORS 491. The Yamhill County Board of Commissioners serve as the Yamhill County Transit Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors meet on an as needed basis to review, discuss, and approve public transit related matters.
The Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee (YCTAC) serves as the advisory committee to the Board of Directors for Yamhill County Transit and the Board of Commissioners for Yamhill County.
YCTAC has two primary roles:
- State Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) Advisory Committee advises the Board of Commissioners in their role as the Qualified Entity for STIF funding. YCTAC recommends priority for plans and projects to be funded with the money received from the Oregon Department of Transportation STIF program.
- Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee (YCTAC) advises the Yamhill County Transit Board of Directors in its goal of enhancing public transportation throughout Yamhill County which is the Yamhill County Transit district boundary.
The committee structure is:
- Membership: Eleven members
- Officers: Chair is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and Vice-Chair and Secretary elected by members
- Initial Terms: Oct 11, 2018 – June 30, 2018
- Terms after June 30, 2018: 3 years staggered all terms expire June 30
- Meetings: Fourth Thursday quarterly (Jan/April/Jul/Oct) from 3:00pm – 5:00pm at Yamhill County Transit’s facility located at 11260 SW Durham Ln, Bldg. A
- Quorum: For official business 6 voting members. A majority of the filled positions will constitute a quorum if there are vacancies
- Committee Bylaws
- Roster
Meeting Packets & Public Notices
The Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee, Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners meeting packets can be accessed on this webpage and posted to the Agenda Center on the Yamhill County website.
Public notices for all YCTAC, Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners meetings are printed in the local newspaper, available on this webpage and posted to the Agenda Center on the Yamhill County website.
Links to the meeting materials are below:
Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee Meetings
Board of Commissioners Meetings
Public Notices
Board of Commissioners Orders/Actions as Qualified Entity for STIF funds
- Board Order 25-020 STIF Plan
- Board Order 21-41 Action
- Board Order 21-41 STIF Plan
- Board Order 21-41 Plan Project Summary
2018 Adopted Transportation Development Plan
Meeting Documents
Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee
The Yamhill County Transit Advisory Committee meeting documents including agendas, packets and other information prepared for YCTAC posted below, are also made available on the Yamhill County website.
STIF 25-27 YCTAC Meeting Documents
DECEMBER 19, 2024
JANUARY 14, 2025