All YC Transit information is available in alternate and accessible formats upon request.
Translation / Accessible Alternate formats: 503-474-4900
Central Translation: 1-800-CALL-CLI
Text-to-Voice (TTY) Relay: 711
Click on the route to view map
Routes 1 & 3 and Routes 2 & 4 – McMinnville
Routes 5 & 7 – Newberg
Service Suspended Until Further Notice
Route 11 – West Salem
Route 22 – Grand Ronde
Saturday Service Suspended Until Further Notice
Route 33 – Hillsboro
Route 44 & 44X – Tigard
Saturday Service Suspended Until Further Notice

The State of Oregon offers regional carpool options to find and share a ride.
Carpool matching and other commuting resources are available at:
The POINT is a safe, affordable, and environmentally-friendly alternative to long-distance driving in Oregon.
The four intercity bus routes are open to the general public and provide critical connections.